1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
| from types import CodeType from opcode import opmap from sys import argv
class MockBuiltins(dict): def __getitem__(self, k): if type(k) == str: return k
if __name__ == "__main__": n = int(argv[1])
code = [ *([opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], n // 256] if n // 256 != 0 else []), opmap["LOAD_CONST"], n % 256, opmap["RETURN_VALUE"], 0, ]
c = CodeType( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, bytes(code), (), (), (), "<sandbox>", "<eval>", "", 0, b"", b"", (), (), )
ret = eval(c, {"__builtins__": MockBuiltins()}) if ret: print(f"{n}: {ret}")
""" 4: <class 'hamt_bitmap_node'> 9: <class 'Token.MISSING'> 54: {'__name__': 'sys', '__doc__': "This module provides access to some objects used or maintained by the\ninterpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter.\n\nDynamic objects:\n\nargv -- command line arguments; argv[0] is the script pathname if known\npath -- module search path; path[0] is the script directory, else ''\nmodules -- dictionary of loaded modules\n\ndisplayhook -- called to show results in an interactive session\nexcepthook -- called to handle any uncaught exception other than SystemExit\n To customize printing in an interactive session or to install a custom\n top-level exception handler, assign other functions to replace these.\n\nstdin -- standard input file object; used by input()\nstdout -- standard output file object; used by print()\nstderr -- standard error object; used for error messages\n By assigning other file objects (or objects that behave like files)\n to these, it is possible to redirect all of the interpreter's I/O.\n\nlast_exc - the last uncaught exception\n Only available in an interactive session after a\n traceback has been printed.\nlast_type -- type of last uncaught exception\nlast_value -- value of last uncaught exception\nlast_traceback -- traceback of last uncaught exception\n These three are the (deprecated) legacy representation of last_exc.\n\nStatic objects:\n\nbuiltin_module_names -- tuple of module names built into this interpreter\ncopyright -- copyright notice pertaining to this interpreter\nexec_prefix -- prefix used to find the machine-specific Python library\nexecutable -- absolute path of the executable binary of the Python interpreter\nfloat_info -- a named tuple with information about the float implementation.\nfloat_repr_style -- string indicating the style of repr() output for floats\nhash_info -- a named tuple with information about the hash algorithm.\nhexversion -- version information encoded as a single integer\nimplementation -- Python implementation information.\nint_info -- a named tuple with information about the int implementation.\nmaxsize -- the largest supported length of containers.\nmaxunicode -- the value of the largest Unicode code point\nplatform -- platform identifier\nprefix -- prefix used to find the Python library\nthread_info -- a named tuple with information about the thread implementation.\nversion -- the version of this interpreter as a string\nversion_info -- version information as a named tuple\n__stdin__ -- the original stdin; don't touch!\n__stdout__ -- the original stdout; don't touch!\n__stderr__ -- the original stderr; don't touch!\n__displayhook__ -- the original displayhook; don't touch!\n__excepthook__ -- the original excepthook; don't touch!\n\nFunctions:\n\ndisplayhook() -- print an object to the screen, and save it in builtins._\nexcepthook() -- print an exception and its traceback to sys.stderr\nexception() -- return the current thread's active exception\nexc_info() -- return information about the current thread's active exception\nexit() -- exit the interpreter by raising SystemExit\ngetdlopenflags() -- returns flags to be used for dlopen() calls\ngetprofile() -- get the global profiling function\ngetrefcount() -- return the reference count for an object (plus one :-)\ngetrecursionlimit() -- return the max recursion depth for the interpreter\ngetsizeof() -- return the size of an object in bytes\ngettrace() -- get the global debug tracing function\nsetdlopenflags() -- set the flags to be used for dlopen() calls\nsetprofile() -- set the global profiling function\nsetrecursionlimit() -- set the max recursion depth for the interpreter\nsettrace() -- set the global debug tracing function\n", '__package__': '', '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='sys', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, origin='built-in'), 'addaudithook': <built-in function addaudithook>, 'audit': <built-in function audit>, 'breakpointhook': <built-in function breakpointhook>, '_clear_type_cache': <built-in function _clear_type_cache>, '_current_frames': <built-in function _current_frames>, '_current_exceptions': <built-in function _current_exceptions>, 'displayhook': <built-in function displayhook>, 'exception': <built-in function exception>, 'exc_info': <built-in function exc_info>, 'excepthook': <built-in function excepthook>, 'exit': <built-in function exit>, 'getdefaultencoding': <built-in function getdefaultencoding>, 'getdlopenflags': <built-in function getdlopenflags>, 'getallocatedblocks': <built-in function getallocatedblocks>, 'getunicodeinternedsize': <built-in function getunicodeinternedsize>, 'getfilesystemencoding': <built-in function getfilesystemencoding>, 'getfilesystemencodeerrors': <built-in function getfilesystemencodeerrors>, 'getrefcount': <built-in function getrefcount>, 'getrecursionlimit': <built-in function getrecursionlimit>, 'getsizeof': <built-in function getsizeof>, '_getframe': <built-in function _getframe>, '_getframemodulename': <built-in function _getframemodulename>, 'intern': <built-in function intern>, 'is_finalizing': <built-in function is_finalizing>, 'setswitchinterval': <built-in function setswitchinterval>, 'getswitchinterval': <built-in function getswitchinterval>, 'setdlopenflags': <built-in function setdlopenflags>, 'setprofile': <built-in function setprofile>, '_setprofileallthreads': <built-in function _setprofileallthreads>, 'getprofile': <built-in function getprofile>, 'setrecursionlimit': <built-in function setrecursionlimit>, 'settrace': <built-in function settrace>, '_settraceallthreads': <built-in function _settraceallthreads>, 'gettrace': <built-in function gettrace>, 'call_tracing': <built-in function call_tracing>, '_debugmallocstats': <built-in function _debugmallocstats>, 'set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth': <built-in function set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth>, 'get_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth': <built-in function get_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth>, 'set_asyncgen_hooks': <built-in function set_asyncgen_hooks>, 'get_asyncgen_hooks': <built-in function get_asyncgen_hooks>, 'activate_stack_trampoline': <built-in function activate_stack_trampoline>, 'deactivate_stack_trampoline': <built-in function deactivate_stack_trampoline>, 'is_stack_trampoline_active': <built-in function is_stack_trampoline_active>, 'unraisablehook': <built-in function unraisablehook>, 'get_int_max_str_digits': <built-in function get_int_max_str_digits>, 'set_int_max_str_digits': <built-in function set_int_max_str_digits>, 'modules': {'sys': <module 'sys' (built-in)>, 'builtins': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '_frozen_importlib': <module '_frozen_importlib' (frozen)>, '_imp': <module '_imp' (built-in)>, '_thread': <module '_thread' (built-in)>, '_warnings': <module '_warnings' (built-in)>, '_weakref': <module '_weakref' (built-in)>, '_io': <module '_io' (built-in)>, 'marshal': <module 'marshal' (built-in)>, 'posix': <module 'posix' (built-in)>, '_frozen_importlib_external': <module '_frozen_importlib_external' (frozen)>, 'time': <module 'time' (built-in)>, 'zipimport': <module 'zipimport' (frozen)>, '_codecs': <module '_codecs' (built-in)>, 'codecs': <module 'codecs' (frozen)>, 'encodings.aliases': <module 'encodings.aliases' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/encodings/aliases.py'>, 'encodings': <module 'encodings' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/encodings/__init__.py'>, 'encodings.utf_8': <module 'encodings.utf_8' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/encodings/utf_8.py'>, '_signal': <module '_signal' (built-in)>, '_abc': <module '_abc' (built-in)>, 'abc': <module 'abc' (frozen)>, 'io': <module 'io' (frozen)>, '__main__': <module '__main__' from '/wd/find.py'>, '_stat': <module '_stat' (built-in)>, 'stat': <module 'stat' (frozen)>, '_collections_abc': <module '_collections_abc' (frozen)>, 'genericpath': <module 'genericpath' (frozen)>, 'posixpath': <module 'posixpath' (frozen)>, 'os.path': <module 'posixpath' (frozen)>, 'os': <module 'os' (frozen)>, '_sitebuiltins': <module '_sitebuiltins' (frozen)>, '_distutils_hack': <module '_distutils_hack' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__init__.py'>, 'site': <module 'site' (frozen)>, 'types': <module 'types' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/types.py'>, '_opcode': <module '_opcode' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/lib-dynload/_opcode.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'>, 'opcode': <module 'opcode' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/opcode.py'>}, 'stderr': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, '__stderr__': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, '__displayhook__': <built-in function displayhook>, '__excepthook__': <built-in function excepthook>, '__breakpointhook__': <built-in function breakpointhook>, '__unraisablehook__': <built-in function unraisablehook>, 'version': '3.12.0 (main, Nov 1 2023, 13:17:10) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110]', 'hexversion': 51118320, '_git': ('CPython', '', ''), '_framework': '', 'api_version': 1013, 'copyright': 'Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation.\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\nCopyright (c) 2000 BeOpen.com.\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\nCopyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives.\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\nCopyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam.\nAll Rights Reserved.', 'platform': 'linux', 'maxsize': 9223372036854775807, 'float_info': sys.float_info(max=1.7976931348623157e+308, max_exp=1024, max_10_exp=308, min=2.2250738585072014e-308, min_exp=-1021, min_10_exp=-307, dig=15, mant_dig=53, epsilon=2.220446049250313e-16, radix=2, rounds=1), 'int_info': sys.int_info(bits_per_digit=30, sizeof_digit=4, default_max_str_digits=4300, str_digits_check_threshold=640), 'hash_info': sys.hash_info(width=64, modulus=2305843009213693951, inf=314159, nan=0, imag=1000003, algorithm='siphash13', hash_bits=64, seed_bits=128, cutoff=0), 'maxunicode': 1114111, 'builtin_module_names': ('_abc', '_ast', '_codecs', '_collections', '_functools', '_imp', '_io', '_locale', '_operator', '_signal', '_sre', '_stat', '_string', '_symtable', '_thread', '_tokenize', '_tracemalloc', '_typing', '_warnings', '_weakref', 'atexit', 'builtins', 'errno', 'faulthandler', 'gc', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'posix', 'pwd', 'sys', 'time'), 'stdlib_module_names': frozenset({'multiprocessing', '_pydecimal', 'telnetlib', 'functools', '__future__', 'marshal', 'token', 'quopri', 'json', 'netrc', 'errno', '_markupbase', 'plistlib', '_sha2', 'ast', 'pipes', '_osx_support', 'unicodedata', 'modulefinder', 'dis', 're', 'uu', '_thread', 'ensurepip', 'idlelib', 'genericpath', 'traceback', 'textwrap', 'sre_constants', '_compat_pickle', 'bisect', 'tracemalloc', '_operator', 'dbm', 'copy', 'tokenize', 'collections', '_msi', 'ftplib', '_warnings', 'time', '_compression', 'locale', 'dataclasses', '_pyio', 'nt', 'webbrowser', 'xml', 'configparser', 'nis', '_ast', 'ssl', 'fcntl', 'operator', '_struct', '_codecs_jp', '_decimal', '_codecs_tw', '_sqlite3', 'copyreg', 'hmac', 'shlex', 'csv', 'zlib', '_io', 'email', 'winsound', 'builtins', '_bisect', 'pyexpat', '_locale', 'pdb', 'readline', 'resource', 'smtplib', 'lib2to3', 'importlib', 'tarfile', 'wsgiref', '_sre', 'chunk', 'poplib', 'sre_parse', '_codecs_hk', '_collections_abc', 'timeit', '_hashlib', 'cmath', '_statistics', '_threading_local', 'fnmatch', 'msilib', 'gzip', 'msvcrt', '_weakrefset', 'posix', 'random', 'imaplib', 'signal', '_codecs_cn', 'contextlib', 'winreg', 'site', 'mmap', 'sre_compile', 'struct', '_frozen_importlib_external', '_uuid', 'colorsys', 'decimal', '_pydatetime', 'heapq', '_sha1', 'os', 'shutil', 'urllib', 'zipapp', 'compileall', '_heapq', 'threading', 'html', 'tomllib', 'weakref', 'nturl2path', '_weakref', 'hashlib', 'rlcompleter', '_pickle', '_ctypes', '_curses', '_stat', '_bz2', 'abc', 'antigravity', 'asyncio', 'pstats', 'fractions', '_sha3', 'statistics', 'subprocess', 'encodings', 'pickletools', 'termios', '_datetime', 'graphlib', 'crypt', '_blake2', 'keyword', 'pty', 'tkinter', 'unittest', 'tty', '_winapi', 'sqlite3', 'wave', 'shelve', '_random', 'cProfile', 'faulthandler', 'turtledemo', 'code', 'array', 'spwd', 'sys', 'sunau', 'queue', 'aifc', '_ssl', 'getopt', '_collections', 'itertools', '_symtable', '_imp', 'enum', '_opcode', 'socketserver', '_lsprof', '_overlapped', '_posixshmem', '_multibytecodec', '_sitebuiltins', 'io', 'pydoc', 'opcode', 'symtable', 'platform', '_socket', 'doctest', 'inspect', 'pyclbr', 'pickle', 'gettext', 'filecmp', '_md5', 'sndhdr', 'zipimport', 'string', '_codecs', '_csv', 'secrets', '_dbm', '_tokenize', 'pwd', '_aix_support', 'nntplib', 'py_compile', 'ctypes', 'venv', 'runpy', 'xdrlib', 'base64', 'uuid', '_codecs_iso2022', '_strptime', 'linecache', 'zoneinfo', '_string', 'reprlib', '_queue', '_scproxy', 'this', '_elementtree', 'logging', 'pydoc_data', 'bz2', '_abc', 'pkgutil', '_crypt', 'ipaddress', '_curses_panel', 'warnings', 'audioop', '_py_abc', 'xmlrpc', '_posixsubprocess', 'bdb', 'sysconfig', '_tkinter', '_signal', '_lzma', 'ntpath', 'selectors', '_contextvars', 'cmd', 'tabnanny', 'binascii', 'optparse', 'pprint', 'trace', 'posixpath', 'http', 'contextvars', 'imghdr', 'atexit', '_zoneinfo', 'select', '_json', 'lzma', 'typing', 'stringprep', 'turtle', 'syslog', '_asyncio', 'glob', 'codecs', 'stat', '_frozen_importlib', 'getpass', '_pylong', '_functools', 'cgi', 'codeop', 'pathlib', 'sched', 'socket', 'calendar', 'numbers', 'tempfile', '_typing', 'types', 'cgitb', 'fileinput', 'grp', 'ossaudiodev', '_tracemalloc', 'argparse', 'curses', 'datetime', 'difflib', 'profile', 'mimetypes', 'mailcap', 'zipfile', 'concurrent', '_gdbm', 'math', 'gc', 'mailbox', '_codecs_kr', '_multiprocessing'}), 'byteorder': 'little', 'abiflags': '', 'version_info': sys.version_info(major=3, minor=12, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0), 'implementation': namespace(name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-312', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=12, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=51118320, _multiarch='x86_64-linux-gnu'), 'flags': sys.flags(debug=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0, dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=0, verbose=0, bytes_warning=0, quiet=0, hash_randomization=1, isolated=0, dev_mode=False, utf8_mode=0, warn_default_encoding=0, safe_path=False, int_max_str_digits=4300), 'float_repr_style': 'short', 'thread_info': sys.thread_info(name='pthread', lock='semaphore', version='NPTL 2.31'), 'meta_path': [<_distutils_hack.DistutilsMetaFinder object at 0x7f1b813bdb50>, <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, <class '_frozen_importlib.FrozenImporter'>, <class '_frozen_importlib_external.PathFinder'>], 'path_importer_cache': {'/usr/local/lib/python312.zip': None, '/usr/local/lib/python3.12': FileFinder('/usr/local/lib/python3.12'), '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/encodings': FileFinder('/usr/local/lib/python3.12/encodings'), '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/lib-dynload': FileFinder('/usr/local/lib/python3.12/lib-dynload'), '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages': FileFinder('/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages'), '/wd/find.py': None, '/wd': FileFinder('/wd')}, 'path_hooks': [<class 'zipimport.zipimporter'>, <function FileFinder.path_hook.<locals>.path_hook_for_FileFinder at 0x7f1b815c05e0>], 'monitoring': <module 'sys.monitoring'>, 'path': ['/wd', '/usr/local/lib/python312.zip', '/usr/local/lib/python3.12', '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages'], 'executable': '/usr/local/bin/python', '_base_executable': '/usr/local/bin/python', 'prefix': '/usr/local', 'base_prefix': '/usr/local', 'exec_prefix': '/usr/local', 'base_exec_prefix': '/usr/local', 'platlibdir': 'lib', 'pycache_prefix': None, 'argv': ['find.py', '54'], 'orig_argv': ['python', 'find.py', '54'], 'warnoptions': [], '_xoptions': {}, '_stdlib_dir': '/usr/local/lib/python3.12', 'dont_write_bytecode': False, '__stdin__': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdin>' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>, 'stdin': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdin>' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>, '__stdout__': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, 'stdout': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, '_home': None, '__interactivehook__': <function enablerlcompleter.<locals>.register_readline at 0x7f1b813d8900>} 55: {'__name__': 'builtins', '__doc__': "Built-in functions, types, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nThis module provides direct access to all 'built-in'\nidentifiers of Python; for example, builtins.len is\nthe full name for the built-in function len().\n\nThis module is not normally accessed explicitly by most\napplications, but can be useful in modules that provide\nobjects with the same name as a built-in value, but in\nwhich the built-in of that name is also needed.", '__package__': '', '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, origin='built-in'), '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'breakpoint': <built-in function breakpoint>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'aiter': <built-in function aiter>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'anext': <built-in function anext>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'None': None, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'False': False, 'True': True, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'range': <class 'range'>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>, '__debug__': True, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'BaseExceptionGroup': <class 'BaseExceptionGroup'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'StopAsyncIteration': <class 'StopAsyncIteration'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'EncodingWarning': <class 'EncodingWarning'>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'ModuleNotFoundError': <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'RecursionError': <class 'RecursionError'>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'ExceptionGroup': <class 'ExceptionGroup'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>, 'open': <built-in function open>, 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'copyright': Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2000 BeOpen.com. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved., 'credits': Thanks to CWI, CNRI, BeOpen.com, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands for supporting Python development. See www.python.org for more information., 'license': Type license() to see the full license text, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object.} 128: {'sys': <module 'sys' (built-in)>, 'builtins': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '_frozen_importlib': <module '_frozen_importlib' (frozen)>, '_imp': <module '_imp' (built-in)>, '_thread': <module '_thread' (built-in)>, '_warnings': <module '_warnings' (built-in)>, '_weakref': <module '_weakref' (built-in)>, '_io': <module '_io' (built-in)>, 'marshal': <module 'marshal' (built-in)>, 'posix': <module 'posix' (built-in)>, '_frozen_importlib_external': <module '_frozen_importlib_external' (frozen)>, 'time': <module 'time' (built-in)>, 'zipimport': <module 'zipimport' (frozen)>, '_codecs': <module '_codecs' (built-in)>, 'codecs': <module 'codecs' (frozen)>, 'encodings.aliases': <module 'encodings.aliases' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/encodings/aliases.py'>, 'encodings': <module 'encodings' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/encodings/__init__.py'>, 'encodings.utf_8': <module 'encodings.utf_8' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/encodings/utf_8.py'>, '_signal': <module '_signal' (built-in)>, '_abc': <module '_abc' (built-in)>, 'abc': <module 'abc' (frozen)>, 'io': <module 'io' (frozen)>, '__main__': <module '__main__' from '/wd/find.py'>, '_stat': <module '_stat' (built-in)>, 'stat': <module 'stat' (frozen)>, '_collections_abc': <module '_collections_abc' (frozen)>, 'genericpath': <module 'genericpath' (frozen)>, 'posixpath': <module 'posixpath' (frozen)>, 'os.path': <module 'posixpath' (frozen)>, 'os': <module 'os' (frozen)>, '_sitebuiltins': <module '_sitebuiltins' (frozen)>, '_distutils_hack': <module '_distutils_hack' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__init__.py'>, 'site': <module 'site' (frozen)>, 'types': <module 'types' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/types.py'>, '_opcode': <module '_opcode' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/lib-dynload/_opcode.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'>, 'opcode': <module 'opcode' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/opcode.py'>} 129: [None, <module 'sys' (built-in)>, None, <module 'builtins' (built-in)>] 130: <module '_frozen_importlib' (frozen)> 133: <built-in function __import__> 166: [<function search_function at 0x7fe59a24d9e0>] 167: {'utf_8': <codecs.CodecInfo object for encoding utf-8 at 0x7f8d42549910>} 168: {'strict': <built-in function strict_errors>, 'ignore': <built-in function ignore_errors>, 'replace': <built-in function replace_errors>, 'xmlcharrefreplace': <built-in function xmlcharrefreplace_errors>, 'backslashreplace': <built-in function backslashreplace_errors>, 'namereplace': <built-in function namereplace_errors>, 'surrogatepass': <built-in function surrogatepass>, 'surrogateescape': <built-in function surrogateescape>} 226: {'__name__': 'sys', '__doc__': "This module provides access to some objects used or maintained by the\ninterpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter.\n\nDynamic objects:\n\nargv -- command line arguments; argv[0] is the script pathname if known\npath -- module search path; path[0] is the script directory, else ''\nmodules -- dictionary of loaded modules\n\ndisplayhook -- called to show results in an interactive session\nexcepthook -- called to handle any uncaught exception other than SystemExit\n To customize printing in an interactive session or to install a custom\n top-level exception handler, assign other functions to replace these.\n\nstdin -- standard input file object; used by input()\nstdout -- standard output file object; used by print()\nstderr -- standard error object; used for error messages\n By assigning other file objects (or objects that behave like files)\n to these, it is possible to redirect all of the interpreter's I/O.\n\nlast_exc - the last uncaught exception\n Only available in an interactive session after a\n traceback has been printed.\nlast_type -- type of last uncaught exception\nlast_value -- value of last uncaught exception\nlast_traceback -- traceback of last uncaught exception\n These three are the (deprecated) legacy representation of last_exc.\n\nStatic objects:\n\nbuiltin_module_names -- tuple of module names built into this interpreter\ncopyright -- copyright notice pertaining to this interpreter\nexec_prefix -- prefix used to find the machine-specific Python library\nexecutable -- absolute path of the executable binary of the Python interpreter\nfloat_info -- a named tuple with information about the float implementation.\nfloat_repr_style -- string indicating the style of repr() output for floats\nhash_info -- a named tuple with information about the hash algorithm.\nhexversion -- version information encoded as a single integer\nimplementation -- Python implementation information.\nint_info -- a named tuple with information about the int implementation.\nmaxsize -- the largest supported length of containers.\nmaxunicode -- the value of the largest Unicode code point\nplatform -- platform identifier\nprefix -- prefix used to find the Python library\nthread_info -- a named tuple with information about the thread implementation.\nversion -- the version of this interpreter as a string\nversion_info -- version information as a named tuple\n__stdin__ -- the original stdin; don't touch!\n__stdout__ -- the original stdout; don't touch!\n__stderr__ -- the original stderr; don't touch!\n__displayhook__ -- the original displayhook; don't touch!\n__excepthook__ -- the original excepthook; don't touch!\n\nFunctions:\n\ndisplayhook() -- print an object to the screen, and save it in builtins._\nexcepthook() -- print an exception and its traceback to sys.stderr\nexception() -- return the current thread's active exception\nexc_info() -- return information about the current thread's active exception\nexit() -- exit the interpreter by raising SystemExit\ngetdlopenflags() -- returns flags to be used for dlopen() calls\ngetprofile() -- get the global profiling function\ngetrefcount() -- return the reference count for an object (plus one :-)\ngetrecursionlimit() -- return the max recursion depth for the interpreter\ngetsizeof() -- return the size of an object in bytes\ngettrace() -- get the global debug tracing function\nsetdlopenflags() -- set the flags to be used for dlopen() calls\nsetprofile() -- set the global profiling function\nsetrecursionlimit() -- set the max recursion depth for the interpreter\nsettrace() -- set the global debug tracing function\n", '__package__': None, '__loader__': None, '__spec__': None, 'addaudithook': <built-in function addaudithook>, 'audit': <built-in function audit>, 'breakpointhook': <built-in function breakpointhook>, '_clear_type_cache': <built-in function _clear_type_cache>, '_current_frames': <built-in function _current_frames>, '_current_exceptions': <built-in function _current_exceptions>, 'displayhook': <built-in function displayhook>, 'exception': <built-in function exception>, 'exc_info': <built-in function exc_info>, 'excepthook': <built-in function excepthook>, 'exit': <built-in function exit>, 'getdefaultencoding': <built-in function getdefaultencoding>, 'getdlopenflags': <built-in function getdlopenflags>, 'getallocatedblocks': <built-in function getallocatedblocks>, 'getunicodeinternedsize': <built-in function getunicodeinternedsize>, 'getfilesystemencoding': <built-in function getfilesystemencoding>, 'getfilesystemencodeerrors': <built-in function getfilesystemencodeerrors>, 'getrefcount': <built-in function getrefcount>, 'getrecursionlimit': <built-in function getrecursionlimit>, 'getsizeof': <built-in function getsizeof>, '_getframe': <built-in function _getframe>, '_getframemodulename': <built-in function _getframemodulename>, 'intern': <built-in function intern>, 'is_finalizing': <built-in function is_finalizing>, 'setswitchinterval': <built-in function setswitchinterval>, 'getswitchinterval': <built-in function getswitchinterval>, 'setdlopenflags': <built-in function setdlopenflags>, 'setprofile': <built-in function setprofile>, '_setprofileallthreads': <built-in function _setprofileallthreads>, 'getprofile': <built-in function getprofile>, 'setrecursionlimit': <built-in function setrecursionlimit>, 'settrace': <built-in function settrace>, '_settraceallthreads': <built-in function _settraceallthreads>, 'gettrace': <built-in function gettrace>, 'call_tracing': <built-in function call_tracing>, '_debugmallocstats': <built-in function _debugmallocstats>, 'set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth': <built-in function set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth>, 'get_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth': <built-in function get_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth>, 'set_asyncgen_hooks': <built-in function set_asyncgen_hooks>, 'get_asyncgen_hooks': <built-in function get_asyncgen_hooks>, 'activate_stack_trampoline': <built-in function activate_stack_trampoline>, 'deactivate_stack_trampoline': <built-in function deactivate_stack_trampoline>, 'is_stack_trampoline_active': <built-in function is_stack_trampoline_active>, 'unraisablehook': <built-in function unraisablehook>, 'get_int_max_str_digits': <built-in function get_int_max_str_digits>, 'set_int_max_str_digits': <built-in function set_int_max_str_digits>} 227: {'__name__': 'builtins', '__doc__': "Built-in functions, types, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nThis module provides direct access to all 'built-in'\nidentifiers of Python; for example, builtins.len is\nthe full name for the built-in function len().\n\nThis module is not normally accessed explicitly by most\napplications, but can be useful in modules that provide\nobjects with the same name as a built-in value, but in\nwhich the built-in of that name is also needed.", '__package__': None, '__loader__': None, '__spec__': None, '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'breakpoint': <built-in function breakpoint>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'aiter': <built-in function aiter>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'anext': <built-in function anext>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'None': None, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'False': False, 'True': True, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'range': <class 'range'>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>, '__debug__': True, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'BaseExceptionGroup': <class 'BaseExceptionGroup'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'StopAsyncIteration': <class 'StopAsyncIteration'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'EncodingWarning': <class 'EncodingWarning'>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'ModuleNotFoundError': <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'RecursionError': <class 'RecursionError'>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'ExceptionGroup': <class 'ExceptionGroup'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>} 497: [('default', None, <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, '__main__', 0), ('ignore', None, <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, None, 0), ('ignore', None, <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, None, 0), ('ignore', None, <class 'ImportWarning'>, None, 0), ('ignore', None, <class 'ResourceWarning'>, None, 0)] 499: default """